Praying beforehand

Praying is really something I haven’t placed much thought in. It was something my pastor was always talking about but I never really paid much attention to. Yeah, soremetimes I would sit there and think and hope that I was hearing God’s voice but really it wasn’t something I would clearly focus in on.

But now, I am starting my junior year of college in hopes to teach the next generation of youngsters. Fresh out of a about three year relationship with a guy who brought me closer to my church but we had different interests, I feel like I am in need to strengthen my relationship with Christ. Yes, I go to church but have I actually paid attention to the words? Or was I just in church to get it over with, something that I just had to do every Sunday?

So….. I present this challenge to myself and anyone else who may be starting anew with their strengthening journey with Christ. Go out and actually find prayer. Pray before walking into work, before every meal, every drive, every Bible read. God can and WILL hear your prayer and he will be there for you. God died on the cross for you so he will listen to you as well.



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